The 21st Annual Judge Clifton M. Kelly Awards Gala

September 24th, 2020 - Grace Bible Church, Sebring Florida


Photo galleries


Thanks to Caroline Maxcy Photography for capturing the Judge Kelly Gala in photos. You can see a selection of photos in the galleries below, or click here to purchase pictures for download or print.


2019 Gala photos


2018 Gala photos


 Honoring Judge Kelly by celebrating child advocacy


Certain individuals cast a shadow larger than the shadows of average people. The Honorable Judge Clifton M. Kelly was one of those individuals. During his many years of service in the judicial system and later, as a tireless volunteer in projects for the public good, Judge Kelly crystallized the concepts that must prevail if a community is to become a safe, healthy, and productive place in which all children grow up to become contributing members of society. He understood that it is not enough simply to dream of a positive climate for inspiring the young. Adult citizens must act and cause others to act to “train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

   In addition to serving 25 years as head of the Tenth District Circuit Court, Judge Kelly designed a crime prevention curriculum and textbooks still being used to teach children that crime produces consequences and that bad decisions…at any age…may prevent an offender from ever achieving his or her dreams.

   But the Judge’s work was not limited to legal matters. He saw the need to create a caring community environment in which the well-being of children and families is fostered through strong human services agencies. He served on several boards, including a college, a public hospital, and a charitable trust. Whether in a meeting of a PTA, a Children’s Services Task Force, a truancy study group, a presidential search committee or serving as a mediator in a school expulsion hearing, Judge Kelly was consistent in expressing his core values: integrity, obedience, respect and personal responsibility.

   Through many avenues he paved the way for countless other citizens to follow his lead. Although he passed away in 2005, his influence remains clearly evident in the work of the Champion for Children Foundation, and the Children’s Services Council. The annual Champion for Children Awards program identifies outstanding persons who agree with the Judge that investing in children and in youth is well worth the effort involved.

Judge Clifton M. Kelly

Judge Clifton M. Kelly


Selection Process


Selection of the “Champion for Children” begins with nominations submitted by the general public throughout all Highlands County. Every year, since 2000, the Champion for Children Foundation has issued a call seeking nominations of those who are incredibly impacting the next generation. All nominees will be notified and are reviewed by a Screening Committee.

The Nomination deadline for the 21st Annual Judge Clifton M. Kelly Champion for Children Awards Gala is June 5th, 2020.

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Nomination Criteria

  1. Resides in Highlands County

  2. Demonstrates a deep, caring desire to help children

  3. Has taken action to address a problem facing children and youth

  4. Has provided at least five years of service directly effecting the well-being of children

The Special Selection Committee reviews the records of each Finalist and applies additional criteria. By definition, the Champion for Children is an individual who:

  • addresses a broad problem affecting a large number of children or youth,

  • demonstrates a long-term commitment to finding solutions to the problem, primarily at the local level,

  • gives personal volunteer service over and above the expectations of his/her career or profession, and

  • promotes continuation of his/her advocacy or service by enlisting others to join in solving the problem, thus producing ‘a ripple effect’ that enhances the well being of children and the community.


Award Recipients


2019 - Dawn Campbell

2018 - Camile Shaffer

2017 - Christopher Doty

2016 - Linda Robinson

2015 - Dale McQuillen

2014 - Mike Lee

2013 - Pamela Karlson

2012 - Saundra Bass

2011 - Wally Randall

2010 - Marge Jernigan

2009 - Velma Lumpkin

2008 - Jacquelyn Rawlings

2007 - Pastor Mike and Pat Karl

2006 - Linda Crowder

2005 - Kathy Main

2004 - Larry Hooper

2003 - Monica Sauls and Dee McDonald

2002 - Sandra Lopes

2001 - Shirley Furr

2000 - Doris Gentry Hawthorne &
Ruth Handley


Hometown Heroes